Worked on coming up with a story to go along with this poem by Jamila Jones along with Jamila, Lanre Kayode, Jonathan Staples, and Kourtney Staples. Edited the video together with Lanre Kayode. We did quite a few reshoots. We originally shot a completely different version of Jamila's peformance. We scrapped it because it didn't fit with the mood of the poem, even though the footage looked nice. I helped with the directing and cinematography on some of the reshoots.
Below are some examples of the color correction I did.
The original footage we shot was very warm.
After color correction
Before color correction. This was taken on a reshoot so the lighting changed and became cooler too.
After color correction. Added some warmth to make it more consistent with what we shot previously.
Video: 'Thirsty'


Video: 'Thirsty'

Video project I worked on for The D.U.B.
