Perfil de Mark Brill

Personal Paintings

Self Portrait with Hair. This is a pencil piece that I did many years ago.
My Klingon Mona Lisa painting was chosen for a book called Mona Lisa: Reimagined, a collection of artist's reworkings of the world's most famous painting!

This was a Star Trek portfolio piece I created.  It is currently unpublished

When Star Wars was re-released in it's Special Edition form, I got caught up in the buzz I had felt when the movie originally came out!  So I was inspired to create this portfolio piece in commemoration!

So I've had this giant framed canvas board in my house for 30 years with this brown wash on it and nothing else. This is what I did to it one evening.

This painting of Michael Crawford in several of the roles he performed on stage and screen was created as a print run to raise funds for his favorite charity, "Sick Children's Trust". It was never licensed and so, ultimately became a gift for on of his biggest fans.

This Clouded Leopard is more like a Nebulaic Leopard.  I used to do a lot of these animal-face-in-space paintings to sell at sci-fi conventions and such.

Samurai Tanuki  (Technically that's wrong, because this is a raccoon, not a raccoon dog. But I like the sound of that title.)


Bravewolf  (Yeah, I paint a lot of wolves.)

This portrait of Locutus of Borg was created as part of a Captain Picard Day art show displayed at a local comic book store. The medium is color pencil on black paper.

A selection of paper sculptures I've made over the years.
Personal Paintings


Personal Paintings

Random personal pieces painted over the years.


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