Profil Mike Rosendal

The Free Press Society

This was my BA project in Graphic Design at KADK. 
The Free Press Society is an independent organization which goals are to promote freedom of speech and to organize events. They have supported several writers, artists and cartoonists among others. Despite being an active player when it comes to debating relevant issues in the media, their visual identity hadn't been revised in the last 10 years. I thought it would be interesting to rebrand them to give them a more coherent visual language that reflected their values and the fight for freedom of speech - an issue that seems ever more relevant today, than when they were created.
Together with the concept of 'freedom of speech', much of my research also involved the aspect of iconoclasm, the act of defacement. The philosopher Michael Taussig, said in 'Metahaven: Uncorporate Identity' :
“... I was thinking of the famous statement by Robert Musil that no one ever notices statues until they are toppled."
Iconoclasm therefore doesn't have to mean the destruction of the "image". You do not only physicall destroy, but work internally on the thing. It is as if often the object contains within itself a hidden flaw. Much like grafitti.
My aim was to create a dynamic visual identity which, by a sort of positive iconoclasm, could bring forth underlying values that could be relevant in the public discussion on the issues of freedom of speech. The color yellow, would be sparsely used when needed and only used for attention, but be fully realized when featured in promotional materials.
The Free Press Society

The Free Press Society

This was my BA project in Graphic Design at KADK. The Free Press Society is an independent organization which goals are to promote freedom of sp Další informace
