Jessica Hampton's profile

WWII - Milestones (ISTD)

Celebrating 40 years of the International Society of Typographic Designers, the brief was titled 'Milestones' and was a brief for the student awards 2015. 

War is a topic which has different effects on society both good and bad but also is a current existence, so I dug into its history and visually portrayed the story of one individuals time in war for this project. One of the most mesmerising and fascinating things about this project was being able to look at photographs and memorabilia from the time and input these into my project to get an understanding for their own personal journey, which made me feel apart of it. Pictures of my final piece are below, I created the leather bound book to house the journey of a family members time in World War II, with an debossed typographic cover and a mini photo album in the centre of the book, i've used a range of typographic layouts and images to document the journey, as well as hand stiching the pages together and making the cover to try and replicate some of the memorabilia he still has from the war. 
WWII - Milestones (ISTD)

WWII - Milestones (ISTD)

Based around a family members journey through their time while fighting in World War II, for the Milestones ISTD Student Brief 2015.
