Perfil de Eduard Mairal

Ulabox promo - UX approach

Expertos Purina ONEĀ® is an online community of catĀ owners created and curated by NestlĆ© Purina, a leading pet supplies brand. This website offersĀ healthcareĀ advices and useful contentsĀ for pet owners.Ā Besides, this siteĀ works asĀ landing page for customers who come via PoS promotions in order to obtain prizes and discounts.
ULABOXĀ is a grocery e-commerce that wanted to communicate an exclusive discount for every user from "Expertos Purina ONEĀ®" community. Placing a banner in the homepage would be the simplest way to do it. However, from a user-centered approach, we stood out not a unique user-profile but three separated onesĀ with totally different action drivers and goals.
In order to detect every available touchpoint with each user-type, we defined a user navigation flowmap. This scheme showed the more effective way to impact our users without being intrusive norĀ forget the bussiness goals and conversion rate.
Once the interaction strategy was ready, the implementation stage started. The message adopted different formats to fit in every user behaviour and try toĀ achieve theĀ conversion goals. Behavioral trageting and Cookie-based banners, interstitial pop-ups, header bar replacement and also classic banners were placed all over the website. It's important to highlight that every format responds to a specific UX need, to each user type and particularĀ time/status.
Floating replacement banner
Cookie-driven intersitital pop-up: This pop up banner only appeared to those users that
were interested in this kind of promotion and also was limited 1 time per session
There were alsoĀ slighter messages that informed the user without distracting him
from his main goal (registration, PoS prizes exchanging...)
The UX approachĀ not only is essential in big and long-term projects but also in the simplestĀ ones. The conversion rate in this project surprisingly increased in comparison with other promotions without any UX support.
Ulabox promo - UX approach

Ulabox promo - UX approach

How to implement a promo campaign on an existing brand website from the UX approach.
