Profiel van Tori Farr

Up Close and Personal

Close up Cat Mask:
For this project overall I needed Macro pictures - super close ups on stuff. While taking a intro to photography course we explored the world of textures you don't always see if you're not looking close enough. For this picture I choose a cat mask my roommate has hanging in our room that she got for halloween. It's actually less creepy up close.
I didn't really expect ymself to take a picture of this, but the lgiht cast on it from a lamp was jsut too perfect. I gave it a shot and fell in love with not only the pink glow, but also the spots. The subtle holes in the mesh that allc oem together to make the image at all. They are the ultimate textures creating a pattern of themselves, but also the actual picture to make the maske, a mask.
Candy Scarf:
Continuing the close up theme for intro to photography I couldn't help but notice the scarf my friend was creating. The pale colors reminded me of a safe warm blanket I would like to curl up in at the end of the day. She held up the scarf and it bunched up against her legs when it hit them. I couldn't miss my chance to get a depth of field shot.
The stitching itself was a beautiful thing to focus on, the extra fuzzies were a bounus. The fuzzes played like a halo of extra shiny color around the scarf. Using photoshop I made the colors a little brighter to stand out, but they remain more soft than intense. I think I hit the nail on the head with this one, getting up close and personal with a beautiful article of clothing.
Everyone takes macro photos of the leaves outside, or the few flowers still in bloom before the cold claims them. I decided to take it to the exotic of my roommates desk and take a head on photo of her bamboo. Placing a lamp directly on it really made the vegetation glow. The middle of the plant looked ready to sprout another leave from the top. The shine to the leaves is all natural, it was menat to be a model.
Using photoshop I brightened and darkened some of the leaves, especially adding shadow to the middle as an accent. Bluring out the surrounding desk helps the viewer focus only on the plant, where it's placed looks kind of like a mystery. The plant grows around itself pulling someones eye into the center. The little brown wiltered spots give it a sense of age and color.
Dragon Thread:
In this piece for intro to Photography my last macro photo came on the ultimate whim. A string on my stuffed animal had been bothering me for a while, the thread stuck out on the dark background.Turning off all the lights in my room I turned this little problem into a work of art. A desk, bright lamp, and camera were all I needed to make a mysterious picture of an object you'd never guess - a stuffed dragon.
The black shadows that are cast on this photo of the fur make the stark contrast even more obvious. The picture looks calming in a sort of way. The fur is almost stippled and looks more rough than soft, a course tight sort of hair. The texture is strong enough to set off the senses I feel like. I also like the seams of the body telling where the limbs are the only clue giving away that it's a stuffed animal.
Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Up close on everyday objects from scarfs, stuffed animals, and plants. Things get crazier or prettier the closer you look.


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