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Glad to present the last work directed and produced at 23L, for Sanofi (Lluïsa Torquemada, Cristina Monclus, Susana Navarro, Oscar Alcaraz), and with the collaboration of the best guys at Saatchi&Saatchi Healthcare (Pau Marqués, Cristina Ferre, Nuria Artigalas, Eduardo Viveros)
Amazing team and behaviors as always
Special thanks to DCD - master and commander of this project.
The directing and producing people at 23L: David Cabrera (DCD)(Master and Commander), Bor Arroyo (3D Director), Vincenzo Leombruno (TD), Rebeca Puebla (3D master), Oriol Mayolas (3D Generalist), David Llopis (Animator), Hector Muñoz (Animator), Alvaro Ucha (3D generalist), Joseba Alexander (First Approach), Sergio Jiménez (Production).
Amazing Sound Fx with Idea Sonora: thanks Pep, Aleix, Lucía!Amazing Original Soundtrack with 23Hz: Great Pau Damià Riera and Carles Gumí!
Great Voice Over by Joël Mulachs