Olivia Meško's profile

FUNGI air purifier

This is my bachelor work. I chose an unconventional approach to facial and technology solutions. The aim was to use a modern technology in purifying the air systems, but also the creation of an original object into the interior. The whole work is the result of careful analysis and inspired by nature, which is associated with the clean environment. Unconventional and innovative solutions are the criteria for my work, resulting in a non-standard air purifier with integrated handset. The whole system works on the principle of SPI technology. This technology guarantees the elimination of major harmful airborne.
Final design
Making model
Tento projekt vznikol počas bakalárskeho štúdia na Fakulte umení, na Technickej univerzite v Košiciach pod vedením doc. Ing. Petra Wohlfahrta, ArtD. a odborného asistenta Ing. Eduarda Weissa, ArtD.
FUNGI air purifier

FUNGI air purifier

Fungi is an air purifier that works by nonfilter SPI technology. It is inspired by nature and organic shapes.
