Wang Wei-Shen sin profil

Visual language of Medium is Message

Medium is Message
I choose Marshall McLuhan's theories to be a visual version. In the The Medium is the Message(1964), he says that the content of any medium is another medium. The meaning changes when it goes through another medium or even it gives a new content of the medium. Therefore, I want to use the digital media and the digital form of his theories to see weather it can be another medium to convey the meaning.
Medium is the extension of human faculty 
All the media are the extensions of some human faculty- psychic or physical, for example, the wheel is an extension of foot, electric circuitry is an extension of the central nervous system. 
Hot and cold medium  
Marshall McLuhan classified that the medium have two types - hot and cold medium. For instance, photos, radio, print are hot medium. Computer, television, telephone are cold medium.  
Super highway(global village) 
Our electrically-configured world has forced us to move from the habit of data classification to the mode of pattern recognition. Message of medium is the change of scale, pace, pattern. For example, railway accelerate and enlarge the scale.  
Visual language of Medium is Message

Visual language of Medium is Message

Visual Language of Medium is Message is a visual version of Marshall McLuhan’s The Medium is the Message.
