SHE Magazine is a feminist magazine meant to empower young teens and women, educating them on political and social issues that women and girls all over the world face. SHE Magazine discusses hot issues such as feminism, cultural appropriation, industry wage gap, immigration and much more. Every issue focuses on a different city and features teens from the city who are currently trying to make changes in issues they face as a girl. I started my target audience at teens because by this time in their lives girls are very confused about themselves and feel forced to fit societies norms.​​​​​​​
This is the cover for the November issue, highlighting the feature article which is #loveyourself. I wanted to make the cover simple but fun, I did this by exploring my typography skills and rearranging the text in ways not usually seen on a magazine.
This is the first spread of the feature article that was mentioned on the cover, and below is the second spread of the article.
SHE Magazine

SHE Magazine

For our final project in Critique Structures we were instructed to continue or come up with a new project, mine was SHE Magazine. A women empower Read More
