Profil von lulu guo

Sustainable Exhibition

Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space.
Here I want to show one of my project which I have done last year. As for my project, I want to create a temporary museum for people to understand the pollution in reality as well as the some recycled material that can be reused in some way.
First, I use container to be my basic space and structure of the museum. I designed the outer shape of the museum as the sign of “recycled”, people can see a triangle pattern as they look from the top.
The three containers stand for different means and different exhibition on the pollution. One is for the water pollution, one is for paper waste and the last one is for disafforestation.
The first exhibition is for paper waste, which let people know one of the recycle method that can be done on the waste paper. I made a paper wall myself and the process of it was shown in my first blog. It is not only let people feel about the pollution but also people can found a way to reuse the water paper.
For the second one, water pollution, I placed some jelly wax on the top of the wall, and melt them into liquid, and it went down the wall to become something similar to water form. As I melt it, the fire scorched some part of the wax and it turned into black liquid. The wax liquid then form back to wax again as they flow down the wall and get touch with the air. This is a way to analyse the dirty water and act as a wall pattern in a way.
The third one is call disafforestation which let people know the consumption of tree every year as well as the damage of the forest. As I doing my model, I placed some fabric that have similar pattern with the dry land on the floor and put some dry tree into the museum. 
The second floor will be an open sky garden which can help people have a rest and walk along to see the surroudings. And in between the museum there is a green area which can let people see through the three exhibition at the same time though the glasses.
The purpose of my three exhibition is not only for people to see and gain knowledge about the pollution nowadays but also let people feel the waste when they touching the wall that make by the waste. people can feel it through all their sense,see and touch.
Sustainable Exhibition

Sustainable Exhibition

three sustainable exhibition,paper waste,water pollution and disafforestation.
