Heather Drury's profile

Awarewolf Apparel

This month, we were tasked with the creation of a 30-second commercial or PSA. We were given the freedom to choose any topic. My group chose to advertise the clothing company of a fellow student, Landon Reed. All of the profits of Awarewolf Apparel will be used to finance Landon's top surgery with the intention of expanding to cover other trans men's surguries in the future.
My group members and I are allies and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, so we jumped at the opportunity to help raise awareness and maybe help Landon get his company name out there. The original intention of this commerical was to go into deeper detail about the negative impact that misgendering someone has. As a cis woman, however, I felt that I couldn't do the commercial justice and worried that it may come off as cheap and trite. I decided to scale it back and rewrite the script to be a bit more straightforward.
As far as mood goes, we were interested in a more desaturated, sutble color treatment. I've included a slide from my pitch presentation for the inspiration. We were looking mainly at PSAs that effectively communicated a feeling of melancholy and hoped to capture that feeling in the hallway, while breaking the viewer from that feeling once the scene changed to the bedroom.
The music that is used in the commercial is the song, "Sixteen" by RAC.
Awarewolf Apparel

Awarewolf Apparel

This month, we were tasked with the creation of a 30-second commercial or PSA. We were given the freedom to choose any topic. My group chose to a Read More
