Samantha Fleming-Giffing's profile

Water Bottle Label Design

Project: Create a water bottle label, choose a name from the list of gods and goddess'.
 My inspiration was ancient Rome and pomegranates for the base. I found inspiration in ancient Roman art, architecture and tools. I found water bottle label inspiration in the "Smart", "Voss" and "Fiji" water bottles. I wanted to create something simple but combines the goddess Ceres with the pomegranate infused water. 
Mind mapping
 I started with some research on all of the gods and goddesses from the given list. I then decided that Ceres was the best choice for this project and myself. While researching Ceres I found that she was the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain and the love a mother bears for her child. Since I am a mother and live in a little farm town you can see how this goddess would appeal to me. Her Greek counter part is Demeter and when seen in art she commonly has a farming tool in one hand and a fruit, flowers or grain. The Romans called her the nurturer of mankind and because of this they had a saying "fit for Ceres", which means "splendid". From there I started my mind mapping and the words that stood out to me were fruit trees and farming, I also noticed that all of my mind mapping bubbles had one thing in common, they all need water to grow. I then made a few small sketches; Roman farming tool, pomegranate tree fields, a large tree and fields, different angles of a pomegranate, seeds from inside a pomegranate and the leaves/stems. I knew from my personal love of ancient Rome that they loved pomegranates and would grow the trees inside their houses, they are not large trees. Knowing this I looked up pomegranates in ancient Rome and discovered some art done of a pomegranate tree, this was the inspiration for my color scheme. After I felt I had more than enough research done and a few ideas where I wanted to go with this project I started to sketch some water bottles. I made the bottle a medium height and slender; the height is representative of the height of the pomegranate tree and the slender look is influenced by the columns used in ancient Roman architecture. I also like the look of a "smart" water bottle, they are simple and sleek like the water. The first bottle has a pomegranate tree and a large close up pomegranate, I thought it needed this because the tree was not recognizable on it's own. The second bottle has a large but simple text and pomegranate logo, I also sketched another small logo out to the side. After looking them over I decided to go with the second sketch as my base water bottle label idea. From there I took to Ai and created the rest.
Water Bottle Label Design

Water Bottle Label Design

This water bottle label project was done in my Typography and Page Layout class, November 2015.
