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Local Home Show Display Poster Design for Painter

Logo, Collateral Material and Poster Design for All Seasons Painting
by A Boston Area Print Designer

Their branding story started with All Season's Painting wanting a logo that did not have the typical paint brush in the logo design to indicate that this was a painting contractor/company. In fact, Jason passed along this praise about the response to the logo design,

"Wanted to let you know that I the past few days I've received numerous compliments on the logo you designed for us. The most recent was from the manager of a paint store we patronize, "You guys have one of the nicest logos I've seen for a painting company. Very clean and spiffy." Now, while I questioned his usage of the word "spiffy" I still wanted to pass along the compliment to you. Thanks again Fran!"

All Seasons Painting needed a poster to display their work and information for the Parade of Homes Show. This poster design was displayed on the counter on the homes to demonstrate all the contractors that had completed the project.
"Business is wonderful! We have taken on 6 more employees and doubled our take in the last year. Your logo is magic!"
-Jason Waddell, All Seasons Painting
"Poster looks great! You are awesome indeed"
-Jason Waddell, All Seasons Painting
Local Home Show Display Poster Design for Painter


Local Home Show Display Poster Design for Painter

In home display for Parade of Homes to promote the fine painting work that All Season's Painting does.
