Taking the Digital colour DNA from an image or site and turning it into a Tag
First of all import or open an image or a screen shot of a webpage in Adobe Illustrator - Select the image and  go to the Object menu, scroll down to Create Object Mosaic. In the box labelled number of tiles try say 30 in the top and then click on use ratio. Then click OK.
This will give you a result much like the below image (the behance.net home page)
The original Image will still be underneath this vector mosaic grid so remember to delete it. Next create the DNA string. You will need to ungroup the the blocks (CMD+SHIFT+G). Then click on 'Vertical Align Center' in the top tool bar. This will arrange all the squares into a single horizontal line of squares (all overlapping). 

So we need to spread the squares out equally. Select the far left square and shift drag it left quite a way the do the same to the far right square to the right. Then Select all (CMD+A) and click on 'Horizontal Distribute Center'. You can the result below.
You will need stretch/transform/scale this vertically to give you the exact result below.
OK so that's how you extract the raw Digital DNA from an image. Now comes the cool bit. Mapping it onto 3D objects in Cinema 4D. The basic setup is a spline path or shape applied to a Lathe NURB.
Once you've got your desired lighting and camera set up (for optional Depth of Field) bring it into Adobe Photoshop for final tweaks or add you DOF here using basic tilt shift techniques.


A little idea I had about the digital DNA of an image
