Aromhour is a brand that explores the relationship between smell and time. The concept of Aromhour is telling time by smell. From the scent clock system to various industries by interacting with customers and then explore more new possibilities basic on this concept. Customers could realize how time flies without interrupted while enjoying the aromatic bath.
There are two fields in this brand – smell and time. These two fields must be contained in the brand name, so that customers identify what is this brand about. According to the analysis of various names of each field, the connection was created. Considering the position of this brand - delicate, health, positive and keep alive – the name ‘AROMHOUR’ is chosen.
Visualizing smell – moving images
The idea of different moving images demonstrates the different scent of AROMHOUR. Rather than using static images, the speed and rhythm of the moving images, and the abstract element within it, enables us to express the mood of each individual scent more closely. 
Visualizing time – the sundial
The reason why the shadow of sundial was chosen as the language to represent time is that it is original from nature and changing continuously. Considering the positioning of this brand, telling the time by the different angles and shapes of the shadow are delicate and gentle.  
The animation conveys the relationship between the transformation of moving images of each scent and the changing of the shadow of sundial directly. Accompanied by music that flows with time and sounds that signal the passing of each hour, the viewer can understand the essence of the brand from these 27 seconds of animation.
The animation is of circular in shape, this aspect of the animation is related to the 24 hours of the day, our watches, and our clocks all tend to this particular shape, as it represents day after day, an endless continuity. It is symbolism that people are familiar with, and a straightforward to reinforce the concept of time.
The sensation identity of Aromhour combines the visualization of smell and time. As mentioned above, the visualization of smell is moving images; the static images are captured from the animation as graphic elements, and integrated with the visualization of time – the shadow of sundial. 
There are two different line of products as one part of the output, but when there are too many objects, it will cause the audience to be lost and misunderstanding the brand, therefore a decision was made to consolidate the functions of the products and combine it into one more abstract-looking device. It will be in the shape of the logo, a triangle with round smooth edges, the name of the brand embossed onto the casing. This abstract nature of the product will allow room for imagination.

MA final project London College of Communcation 2015.
Ainimation edit: Shu Guan
Photo: Jie Nicole Meng
Photo edit: Shu Guan



Aromhour is the major project of my second master degree in Graphic Branding & Identity in London College of Communication. This project started Развернуть
