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The Anxiety Pack: Visual Narrative Book

The following booklet is part of an "Anxiety Pack" we created to help raise awareness about anxiety disorders among students. Each booklet, while part of a set, has been designed so it can be a standalone piece.

You can view the first two booklets in the pack here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/31048221/The-Anxiety-Pack-Guide-Story-Book
The narrative for this book has been written as if anxiety was personified, using anonymous submissions we received to form the descriptors of what anxiety makes you feel like. Each spread is a manifestation of a state of mind, designed to evoke a visceral response. The spontaneity of the spreads is a reflection on the fluidity of anxiety itself, and how it differs from person to person. Transparent pages are used to create depth within the spreads and reflects on the viewer revealing different layers of anxiety.
An overview of all the books in their final display format.
The Anxiety Pack: Visual Narrative Book

The Anxiety Pack: Visual Narrative Book

Anxiety disorders are more common than depression and are becoming increasingly prevalent in the age group 18 - 24. This group has been found to Read More
