A quick short list of what I've done in the first year at the RCA!! オメット♪ヽ(・∀・ヽ)(ノ・∀・)ノ オメット♪
1. Pencil sketchy bits were line tests of my work Transition & the Embodying Voice Workshop
See the teaser and more line tests @ 
2. Others were... others, like our Soup exhibition & some additional animation for award-winning short films from the RCA: The River (2015), Psalm 73 (2015), The Greetings of 10,000 Things (2015)
Reel 2015


Reel 2015

A quick summary of my first year in the RCA. The sketchy bits are the major works – line tests of my first year film Transition & Embodying Voice Rozwiń
