Branding done for a student-run company from Earl of March that sells bleached t-shirts. INKLESS uses a process of bleaching out the colour in t-shirts to acheive images that are burned into the shirt rather than traditionally printed with ink and silkscreen.
Affilliated with Junior acheivement, the company was built from the start by students and is run by students. As VP of Production, I was in charge of branding, designing shirts, and the production line to make product.
Rockcilmber Shirt
Designs were created with mass production in mind, Over 200 shirts were made during the running of our company, Designs that focused mainly on the natural texture made by the bleach spray was taken into consideration
Stencils that could be placed onto shirts easily and effectivly were prioritize, and multi-step stencils were avoided
A card to encourage customers to find us on social media was slipped into the shirts when they were packed. These would later be found when the buyer arrived at home.


Branding for INKLESS, a t-shirt company.
