Demolition of the Eiffel Tower

Demolition of the Eiffel Tower is a tragicomedy that addresses some of the most relevant European issues - the introduction of legislation to ban wearing the niqab in public, terrorism as a result of a series of global political and religious conflict, and the relationship of the West and Islam (International Theatre Festival MESS Sarajevo)
Dandelion and retard

It is a drama that focuses on growing up of a mentally retarded girl and a boy who lives on the street, and their emotions as their only escape and rescue from adverse family and social circumstances.
The show is set to put the emphasis on acting, and the minimalist set design with only a swing on the stage emphasizes the relationship between the boy and the girl, their fears, mismatches, their focus on one another and their attempts to achieve intimacy, if not love, since they hope in vain to get any from their closest friends and family.
Theatre posters
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Theatre posters

Poster design for theatre plays

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