The work RISSE is an exploration of the reaction of paint on the solid material varnish. The selected serie shows various fractures on paper, wood, line, foam, carton and synthetic foil. The paint splits open due to the interfacial tension of the varnish which produces an artificial aging of the paint. The artist applies the varnish uneven onto the first layer of paint. This factor and the drying time of the varnish influence the formation of the image. At long drying time the uppest layer of paint splits into subtle and complex fractures. At short drying time bigger and rough gaps crack open.
The work RISSE builds a contrast to the previous work Grenzenlosigkeit: solid, dry and crackling material instead fluid, evaporating, hydrous traces of water. Grenzenlosigkeit reminds on micro- and macrocosmic forms and RISSE on smaller and bigger tectonic movements of the earth crust.

©Janka Stemmle
Video (04:14min) produced with Girts Apskalns

RISSE Esther Aeberhard - Janka Stemmle Kulturfabrik Horgen 2016

⇾ I am hosting the continuous Atelier Workshop since September 2022 until now June 2023 at Migros Klubschule and a shorter Mixed Media Workshop, next ones will be on the 13th & 20st of July, 31st of July & 7th of August 2023 at Migros Klubschule and in total there were two of these on the 17th & 24th of October and 7th & 21st of March 2022 at Migros Klubschule