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Academy for Dual Community

Academy for Dual Community (2014)
Missions School & Secondary School for Refugees 
 The program of these schools is based on the mission to create a safe environment for exploratory learning through mentorship. The Missions School believes in the philosophy of training students through immersing in the local community. Originally based on the metaphor of an explosion, the process of healing and growth of the refugees students through this intimate mentorship would allow the refugee students to experience increments of freedom, and over the course of their education, would be encouraged to diverge into different journeys and adventures.
Roof plan 1" = 30'
Lower Level Plan 1" = 30'
Middle Level Plan 1" = 30'
Top Level Plan 1" = 30'
Cross Section A 1/16" = 1'
Cross Section B 1/16" = 1'
Longitudinal Section C 1/16" = 1'
Model, 1" = 30'
MDF, Basswood
Academy for Dual Community

Academy for Dual Community

The program of these schools is based on the mission to create a safe environment for exploratory learning through mentorship. The Missions Schoo 阅读更多内容

