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Yacht Bar Sketch // Tutorial

Step One // Ideation

Sketch a variety of quick, exploratory sketches to develop ideas and formulate a concept direction.
Step Two // CAD Package

Build your chosen concept in 3D. Strive to capture a dramatic perspective, an interesting focal point, and emotional lighting.
Step Three // Underlay

Place the screenshot on a fresh page to be used as an underlay. Be sure to scale and crop the image to achieve a dynamic composition.
Step Four // Linework

Sketch over each element of the scene. Focus on using thick-to-thin lineweights to communicate depth and guide the eye to areas of interest.
Step Five // Areas of Interest

Choose which elements of the concept you want to show off. Trace, select, and copy each shaded section onto its own layer.
Step Six // Base Color

Select each of the components and adjust their base color. Each color should contribute to the concept’s overall color palette.
Step Seven // Materials

Add texture, highlights, reflections, and details to further define each material.
Step Eight // Finishing Touches

To communicate the concept’s scale, sketch in a person. Details such as decor and accent lighting can enhance the mood.
Step Nine // Callouts

Add callouts to highlight concept features, and to supplement the sketch’s composition.
Yacht Bar Sketch // Tutorial


Prosjekt laget for

Yacht Bar Sketch // Tutorial

This project is a sketch render study of a yacht interior. The process is broken down into steps to both serve as a teaching aid for you and a le Se mer
