Graphic Design
samples of design work
The Vulgar King of Sissy-Rock
Assignment:  Design a title page and create a new headline for a magazine Article.
Article used:  "John Mayer Thinks With His Pick"; By: Steven Daily; Details Magazine, December 2009 issue.
Designed as a two page spread; paired with a two page spread article. 
To be printed over a span of four pages.
(vertical composition view)
(horizontal composition view) 
 Teach the Trade
 3 Poster Ad Campaign
Assignment: Create a poster for a social issue or charity (real or made up.) 
Charity (self-created):  Teach the Trade.  A charity geared towards providing impoverished communities with skills that will promote long-term change.
(extended the project into a 3 poster campaign.) 
 Christmas Cards
 series of christmas card designs

Graphic Design
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Graphic Design

Samples of some of my graphic design work as a student attending the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga. These are all curricular 詳細を表示

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