An Authentic Thai Restaurant

Saan is born from Head Chief Lek’s love and passion for his hometown cuisine of North Eastern Thailand. In the restaurant, shared plates flow between hands of friends and families. The subtle haze from the open grill diffuse aromas of tenderly browned meat, while the kitchen staff diligently pound spices by hand. Saan evokes the atmosphere of a rich family tradition and transports this unique part of Thailand into the heart of Auckland’s food scene. 

The concept for Saan’s brand, like the food itself, is deeply personal. Inspired by old photographs of Lek growing up, Saan’s graphic identity is an album of Lek’s memories. On the backs of the menus and business cards reveal the young Lek playing with his cousin, the mango tree in the back yard and the special bond Lek shared with his grandmother. These photos create an intimate experience that extends the connection between the chief and the diner, like a warm, personal invitation to dine at the home of an old friend.

The photo above taken by Jeremy Toth 


Saan is born from Head Chief Lek’s love and passion for his hometown cuisine of North Eastern Thailand. In the restaurant, shared plates flow bet 阅读更多内容
