In this project, I designed a lighting scheme for a gallery and multimedia space. The
space has two primary functions:
1. an art and film gallery, and
2. a multimedia and work area.
The space is divided by a large display wall, which acts as a wall to hold art on the gallery side, and as the backdrop to a desk area on the multimedia side.
The gallery space requires spot lighting to illuminate works of art, and needs to be flexible in
order to accommodate many different types of film and print media. The space will also need
a dim and diffuse light, bright enough to be able for users to move safely around the space,
but dim enough that the lighting does not distract from the presentation of film media. This
lighting will help with way-finding and moving through the space, but will not serve to focus
or draw attention.
On the other side of the gallery wall, there is a multimedia centre, which consists of computer
work stations and desks for individual work. This area of the space will need to be generally
bright enough to work in, and also provide some lighting specific to each work station for
individual task lighting. The multimedia space serves as a first point of contact between
the users and the building. I would like the multimedia centre to be flexible enough to be
able to do intricate visual tasks requiring brightness and a high colour rendering, or to be a
comfortable space for more general computer-oriented work. As such, the multimedia centre
will have a flexible lighting scheme with powerful but dimmable lighting.
Lighting Design
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Lighting Design

A galley and multimedia space with an emphasis on a technical lighting design.

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