Main Description
International poster contest for Mumedi Mexican museum of design under the title: “To death with a smile”.
Analyzing the concept
My idea wasn’t about “smiling” to death using an obvious visualisation. I’m talking about not only death but birth/ life as well and through a design path based on the greek alphabet; talking about the endless circle of birth and death (they are so strongly connected) through symbols and/ or meanings which deliver a strong and minimalistic visualisation using some short of an optical illusion. Blue (sea) and white (sky) colors witness the greek origin of this concept as well.
The greek cycle of birth and death where the letter A (Alpha) stands for Start - Birth and Ω (Omega) stands for End - Death.
The Greek cycle of birth and death where the letter A (Alpha) stands for Start - Birth and Ω (Omega) stands for End - Death


The Greek cycle of birth and death

