Isabelle Rineharts profil

College Application Portfolio

Self-Portrait, Monochromatic, 2015. Oil. 18"x12".
Still Life. 2015, Charcoal. 18"x24"
Male Gestures. 1 minute each. 2015. Vine Charcoal, Newsprint.
Female Gestures. 2 minutes each. 2015. Vine Charcoal, Newsprint.
Dead Cast. 2014. Charcoal. 18"x24"
What's Sour. Still Life. 2015. Oil. 12"x18"
Quick study of nude. 30 minutes. 2014. Charcoal. 18"x24"
Ray. 2015. Graphite. 18"x24"
Ray 2. 2015. Charcoal. 18"x24"
Dancin' Bones. 2014. Skeleton placement study. Graphite. 18"x24"
Cordyceps. 2015. Aluminum "lost foam" cast. 7"x5"
IzzyInMotion: Notes, Doodles and Illustrations. Sketchbook Cover. 2015. Copic Marker. 9"x11"
Two Chicken Nuggets. 2014. Fabric Collage. 19"x22"
Self Portrait. Monochromatic. 2015. Oil. 18"x12"
Turn Me On. Warm Color study. 2014. Acrylic. 17"x24"
Turn Me Off. Cool Color Study. 2014. Acrylic. 17"x24"
Sakura-ko. 2014. Ink on Bristol board and mixed media. 17"x20"
Faces. 2015. Graphite on Newsprint. 18"x24". 
Collection of Still lifes. 2015. Graphite. 8.5"x11"
Melty S'mores Hairclip. Sold on my Etsy shop, Tooth Ache Cafe. 2012. Polymer Clay. 
I Scream for Geometric Ice Cream! 2015. Cardboard, spraypaint. 3.5 ft x 2 ft.
Thomas and His Skeleton. 2015. Graphite and Charcoal. 20"x20"
Fantastic Flan Hairclip. Sold on my Etsy shop, Tooth Ache Cafe. 2012. Polymer Clay, Silicone.
Class room 2 point perspective excercise. 2014. Graphite. 18"x24"
Derpy Peppers. 2015. Oil. 12"x18"
Thomas. 2014. Charcoal. 18"x24"
Haley. 2014. Graphite and charcoal. 18"x24"
Thomas 2. 20 minute study. 2014. Graphite. 18"x24"
Body. Unfinished painting. 2015. Oil. 18"x24"
The Boyfriend. 2014. Graphite. 18"x24"
My final for Drawing 1. 60 in x 40 in charcoal drawing. Have some proportion issues (look at those hands!) and may have overdone the folds on the clothes, but overall im happy with it.
College Application Portfolio

College Application Portfolio

Hello! My name is Izzy. I graduated high school in 2010, entered the workforce, and in 2013 I decided to pursue my dream of being an animator. I Læs mere
