Profil appartenant à Safa AbuKaf

MAchine | STructure

The main concept is a collapsed building, which parts came together to form this gigantic robotic machine. I have thought this might be a futuristic vision of what a moving building would look like. Of course, the essence of the building's structure is apparent; the skin had came of leaving what makes a building stand; the structure. 
This work is essentially collaging images  of different materials using Photoshop. It varied from steel pipes, concrete slabs, stone, fabric and metal plates. I have also included tower cranes and cogs as part of the mechanical moving part.
I have started with sketching the idea on my sketchbook; then I moved on to creating a visual of where this machine would be located and how it might interact with the surrounding as it is moving forward. 
MAchine | STructure
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MAchine | STructure

The main concept is a collapsed building, which parts came together to form this gigantic robotic machine. I have thought this might be a futuris Lire la suite

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