If you've been following the news:

"The Wits #FeesMustFall protest is brave and necessary. Students are putting their bodies and education on the line to protest first about the fee increase for next year – which puts the upfront registration payment at nearly R10,000 – but also against the financial exclusion of black students from the university in general. To put it another way – these students are protesting the institutional violence inflicted by the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). This violence destroys lives in a more systematic, brutal way than physical violence. It excludes the majority of the population from tertiary education programmes that we are told make one ‘successful’ or ‘marketable’ or ‘employable’. The thousands of protesters are students who have studied, who want to write exams, and want to finish their degrees, who want to graduate. But, in risking all of this to protest, we are deemed violent, ‘uncivilised’ and ‘barbaric’."

So I decided to create a "protesters survival kit" after seeing the protests turn violent outside parliament yesterday.
Good News!!

My infographic was published in Grazia SA!



A short survival guide for the protester
