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GLIMPSE | The Project

The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play a group of card games such as Italianta rocchini and French tarot. From the late 18th century until the present time the tarot has also found use by mystics and occultists for divination.

The tarot is divided into 2 categories of arcana (arcana means secret): Major and Minor.
The Major Arcana consist of 22 cards (numbered from 0 to 21) and the Minor usually consist of 56 cards.
The Major Arcana is divided in 3 categories based on a human's development: Basic Development (1-7), Universal Laws (8-14) and Spiritual Development (15-21). The card marked 0 is The Fool which symbolises the inocent human we all are when born. The rest of the Major Arcana symbolises the human's journey in life, that's why the Major Arcana is also called The Fool's Journey.
The Minor Arcana comprise four suits ( ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ) with 14 cards each (cards numbered 1-10 and 4 royal cards). These tarot cards use Cups, Disks, Swords and Wands from the future.
Tarot infographic
Major Arcana:
00. The Fool
01. The Magician
02. The Hierophant
03. The High Pristess
04. The Emperor
05. The Empress
06. The Lovers
07. The Chariot
08. Strength
09. The Hermit
10. The Wheel of Fortune
11. Justice
12. The Hanged Man
13. Death
14. Temperance
15. The Devil
16. The Tower
17. The Star
18. The Moon
19. The Sun
20. Judgement
21. The World
Design with geometrical forms
Character development
Fonts used
Colors used
The cards
Same backside for all cards
You can find just the cards, here.
The box
The booklet
GLIMPSE | The Project

GLIMPSE | The Project

Glimpse tarot cards came from the future and they know what's going to happen.
