30 Rock in syndication
Character Posters
As a huge fan of 30 Rock I was very excited to work on this project! In my eyes, the best way to remind viewers to catch this show when it reran on Fox was to show them the personalities of the show and their interesting quotes or characteristics.

The most challenging part of this project was having to work with only existing photography. I knew with this caveat that I would have to work to find some strong, interesting photographs of the cast. When I found these portraits by Art Streiber, one of my favorite entertainment photographers, I knew I had found something good!

These character posters were put together with Art's photography and headlines written by some coworkers working on an on-air promo and me.
As this was a project with a somewhat long timeline before going to print, the final version was not finalized until after I had moved on to another agency. Below are the final versions of these character ads that went to print, finished by bpg advertising.
30 Rock in syndication

30 Rock in syndication

character posters for 30 Rock in syndication
