(Above) A behind the scenes video showing a little of the process and shooting.
Example showing how much of the grunge was makeup and how much was added digitally after the shoot. 
Putrefaction is:
Model: Cierra Costello
Styling: Nick Chao, Julia Granick, Brittany Mutz, Liliana Jimenez
Assistance: Austin Greenfield
Photography/Retouching/Art Direction: Nick Chao
Shot with a Canon 6D mounted with a 100mm f/2.8L IS. Lit with Alien Bees B800 strobes with small (generic 36") and large (60" Photek Softlighter) umbrellas, triggered with Pocket Wizards. Camera tethered to Lightroom CC 2015 on a MacBook Pro. VSCO film preset used for basic color look at capture and further retouching done in Photoshop CC 2015. 
Find me online: 
Website: nickchao.com
Twitter: nick_chao
Instagram: nick_
Flickr: chaosimage
Deviant Art: nickchao


Inspired by the feeling of wasting away and the uncomfortableness of looking at sickness.
