Andreas Österlunds profil

We love different – Brämhults

We love different!
The best oranges don’t always look smart on the store-shelf. 
But for us, that doesn’t matter. It’s the inside that counts. We love fresh fruit, 
and great oranges vary in taste, colour and vitamins depending on the season. 
Our bottles do the same. It’s our guarantee of authenticity.

Advertising Agency: Bulldozer, Karlstad, Sweden
Agency website:

Art Director: Andreas Österlund
Copywriter: Nina Skogsberg, Jenny Westling
Photographer: Anders Lipkin
Additional credits: Anette Reutmer Åhl'en
Published: September 2015

Outdoor AD over and underground. The fruit Brämhults use vary in taste and looks. Our oranges is not necessary orange. They simple don´t look smart on the store-shelf. We want to show the world our love for fresh fruit. We love equality – and are proud of that fact.
The best oranges don’t always look smart on the store-shelf. But for us, that doesn’t matter. It’s the inside that counts. We love fresh fruit, and great oranges vary in taste, colour and vitamins depending on the season. Our bottles do the same. It’s our guarantee of authenticity
We love different – Brämhults


We love different – Brämhults

We love different! juice campaigb
