Pizza Boomerang
Autopromote Video + Christmas Gift 
Production: Sofa Experience Communications
Realization: Ibra Muñoz & Nico Zarza
DOP: Takuro Takeuchi
Music: Sergio Pérez.
Art Direction (Graphic Concept): Manuel Lemus, Albert Sala, Anouk Sylvestre.
It's an innovative throwing food; made with cheese, pepper and chorizo.
Say Good Bye to the round pizza; and switch to the good vibes.. It's Pizza Boomerang!
It has character and lots of ingredients; you throw it and returns always "al dente"... It's Pizza Boomerang!
Pizza Boomerang

Pizza Boomerang

Autopromote Video to say Merry Christmas to our clients and send at the same time a gift to remeber the action


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