Jamie Jays profil

Caricature Portrait

Acrylic on Board, 2015, On Display at:
The Lore Degenstein Gallery Seventh Annual Juried Figurative Drawing and Painting Exhibition
Oct. 24 - Dec. 11, 2015
Opening reception Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, 7 - 9 p.m.
The seventh annual, national, juried visual art competition and exhibition is open to two-dimensional figurative artists (referencing the human figure), working in painting, drawing or printmaking who are over the age of 18. This year's juror is Craig Cully, an artist and Associate Professor of Art at New Mexico State University. Cully will select the exhibition works from the pool of entries and announce the awards during the gallery talk at the opening reception.
Caricature Portrait

Caricature Portrait

"Love Is in the Air" Acrylic Painting on Board


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