I confess...I'm an email junkie. And calendar addict. Without my online tools, how would I administer my life?!?!?!? I actually probably send way too many emails, respond way too quickly, and write way too much...but I'd rather have residents, colleagues, friends, supervisors, etc. be informed than left out of the loop.

As a general life principle, I like to be to things on time and never miss a meeting. I will respond to anything urgent within 24 hours and will have all forms and reports in on time. I know my limits and can tell when things are getting to a point that it's too much to handle, and at that point I know when it's time to ask for help.

I maintain regular communication with my supervisors and residents and it really is important for RAs to be good administrators as we are effectively managing the halls. Thus, having organization, neatness, and is essential.

I find the RA trainings very fun and engaging (plus, I like being back on campus early) and in the SRA role would be able to help plan and implement these trainings.

Below you'll see a variety of artifacts, from emails to doortags, but perhaps what you'll find most intriguing (or annoying ;0) are my bulletin board pictures...I kind of like creating these and take pride in them. It's paid off...I've NEVER had a bulleting board ripped down *knock on wood*.

My administration skills are reflective of what the SRA role requires, and I believe that they would help me succeed in the role.
I attempt to make my emails thorough and informative.
When the building has a name change, I try to communicate it somehow to the residents. Still, I think Map Hill will forever live in our hearts!
 Christy and I getting ready to welcome our new Tower in the Fall of 2010.


I've always been an organization freak...and boy do I love bulletin boards. :o
