Lemanic is a project that started in February 2015. It consists of an exploration of 5 months into the construction of an extended type family for newspaper. Working with three different grades, it lets the designer construct a page with very dynamic and dynamic elements. The first grade made for text is the book one. It has a regular, an italic, a bold and a bold italic. The second grade is the display and is at the actual state made of a bold and a bold italic. Finally, the third grade is the head made of a special blackletter. 
However, the Lemanic project is at the actual state an exploration and a work in progress. After 6 months, it was clear that it needed to work in different and distinct family. It will then work as four different systems which possess each their weights and styles. 
1) The book serif grade will become: Lemanique. It will have a regular, an italic, a bold and a bold italic.
2) The book grade will have a sans-serif version called Lavaux. This family will go from thin to bold with an italic version for each. In addition to that the sans will have a condensed version also going from thin to bold but without italics
3) The display grade will be called Riviera. The family will have for weights from light to bold and every italics for each. In addition to that, the family will have four condensed style also going from light to bold.
4) Finally, The head grade will be called Chablaix. It will have a system of three weight: hairline, regular and bold. Each of these three will be paired with an equivalent italic

Down there is the poster showing the result of the exploration made from February to June 2015. This started as a personal final project for the TypeMedia programm at the Royal Academy of Arts, Den Haag.

The state of the project has been presented in two ways: 
1) A process book printed on tabloid paper on a digital press.
2) A specimen made of 6 different papers on four different sizes.
The goal was to explain my process, my ideas and to show the different context in which it can be used. I tried to demonstrate how different the combination and the usage can be.
Lemanic project

Lemanic project

Lemanic is a type design exploration made during the final semester of TypeMedia 2015 at the KABK in The Hague, The Netherlands. The different we Read More
