Profiel van Brandon Sugiyama

"President" - Alexis Harte

President - Alexis Harte

Music Video for the Alexis Harte Band's song, President. First Place winner at the Motion Awards at the Motion08 Conference in Albuquerque, NM. Created using After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, watercolor paints and ink brush pens.

This video was produced by Mandisa Basarich, Brandon Sugiyama, and Matt Swack as part of our final project in a music video class at Ex'pressions College for Digital Arts.

The song is "President" written by Alexis Harte and performed by his band.
"President" - Alexis Harte

"President" - Alexis Harte

Music Video for the Alexis Harte Band's song, President. First Place winner at the Motion Awards at the Motion08 Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
