Von Glitschka's profile

Core Value Poster Designs

Bookbyte is a fast-growing company that sells used textbooks online. The company culture is very inclusive, they encourage and support innovation and input from all employees.
To help facilitate and promote this positive attitude they developed a core set of values and wanted to communicate them in a fun artistic way through in-house posters their employees could interact with.
The final illustrations are done in a fun yet sophisticated linear style that showcases each of their core values.
Be the Seed, the Water and the Sun
Live for Health
Point Out the Good Stuff
H​ave the Heart to Speak and Listen
B​e a Super Hero
Own Up to It!
You're Not the Only Freaking Person in the World!
Embrace Your Wacky Side
Family Matters
Along with the in-house poster designs I provided I also formatted and delivered the artwork as individual spot illustrations they could use on their print collateral and promotions moving forward as well.
Core Value Poster Designs


Core Value Poster Designs

In-house promotional posters to communicate the companies core values to their employees.
