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Camphor Series_Experimental Posters

實驗性視覺海報 - 香樟木

受到台灣O'logy Mag時尚誌專欄委託,規劃以香樟木為主要視覺概念的實驗性設計。

This experimental project is commissioned by the fashion magazine O'logy Mag. Chen Wu uses camphorwood as the key element for visual identity, combing photography and symbols to deliver the smell and texture of camphorwood. He makes use of the structure which wood and Chinese characters share in common, deconstructing both of them and adding Oriental aesthetic to the design, then creating an experimental poster series with Oriental perspectives. With this series, he expects to give the audience a better understanding to the aesthetic of Chinese characters.

香港 Victionary 設計年鑑
Spring Projects
With a series of experimental photographs we aim to express the abstract and unique smell of the camphor and of its gentle tactility, by integrating images and text layouts with abstract design of symbols. Also Our expectation is to convey, precisely in sight, its gentle wooden texture and tactility. Also to enhance people's attention to the East wood species.

This work was also published in Hong Kong Victionary Design Yearbook Spring Projects.​​​​​​​

Inspire Magazine Interview - Published in Taiwan

Art Director  -  吳箏 Chen Wu
Photography & Visual  -  吳箏 Chen Wu

Model  -  李宜樺 Hua Li​​​​​​​

Camphor Series_Experimental Posters

Camphor Series_Experimental Posters

實驗性視覺海報 - 香樟系列 此五張系列性的視覺海報以以實驗性的攝影方式拍攝香樟木,希望藉由影像處理與抽象的設計符號去表達出對於樟木抽象的氣味與溫實的觸摸質地的想像。並以極具中文字體特徵的宋體進行字型的再造設計與拆解,拍攝人物的選用也以亞洲女性為來增加並呈現此關於香樟的系列海報在視覺上溫 阅读更多内容
