helmut schmid | die poesie der präzision | book design, 2012
In 2012, designed an autobiographical book-portfolio (in Russian) about the typographer and designer Helmut Schmid (Helmut Schmid is a theorist and practitioner in typography, a teacher, a former student of Emil Ruder (Emil Ruder is a leading teacher of typography at the Basel school of crafts). The title of the book is "The poetry of precision". Translation of the author's methods and a huge number of articles on the subject of typography sent by Helmut Schmidt himself, as well as a partial translation of the book "Design is attitude", the author, a student of Helmut – Fjodor Geyko. This was a study assignment in my Academy.
(tasks: designing and creating the book (my first book!!!).
Thank you for the inspiration and invaluable knowledge – Helmut Schmid.

Helmut Schmid


Project Made For

Helmut Schmid

the poetry of precision In 2012, designed an autobiographical book-portfolio (in Russian) about the typographer and designer Helmut Schmid (Helm Read More
