Dance occurs when we will our bodies to externalize this emotion, in accordance with our 
physical capabilities.
“Dance makes individuals more aware of their own physicality and body language and that of 
people around them.”
Four years ago a Palestinian teenager chanced upon a ballet class. Doing so changed his life
Paul Sanchez Keighley
The Outpost - a magazine of possibilities
Issue 06, The Possibilities Of Our Body

There are systematic attempts to crush and numb our body and turn it into a paralyzed, helpless, powerless, and insignificant entity. Our body is being invaded, violated, intoxicated, and numbed down. Yet if we were to be true agents of change in a region that really needs change, then our body is our foremost instrument. The revolution starts from inside our body.
Seeds of Dance
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Seeds of Dance

SEEDS OF DANCE Four years ago a Palestinian teenager chanced upon a ballet class. Doing so changed his life WORDS Paul Sanchez Keighley -- The Ver mais

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