Faux Uzi
November 2014 - Present
Faux Uzi is a appearel company founded by me and Viktor Hammarberg. The idea of Faux Uzi is to establish a creative collective of great competence and monetize strictly on our artistic skillsets. I started working with Faux Uzi during my intership period at the Digital Creative programme at Hyper Island, mainly focusing on the fashion brand aspect of the company. I gained a lot of valuable learnings whilst creating a brand tailored for a very specific target group, and how to run a profitable business with a solid long term business plan. Starting a brand from scratch and setting up a network of manufacturers, distributors, business mentors and legal advicers has given me knowledge within the fields of branding, business, marketing, client relations and entrepreneurship.
Hyper Island
August 2013 - June 2015
I got my digital creative degree at the Digital Media Creative programme at Hyper Island in Sweden, Karlskrona. Hyper Island is a school very well known within the digital industry for its methods regarding team building, innovation, design, creative digital solutions and client relations. During this experience I learnt a lot about myself, the industry, and where I should position myself in the Digital Creative industry. Hyper Island is all about real work experince, and learning by doing. The school works as an creative agency, allowing the students to work with real clients with real needs. The money that is being earned through client briefs pays for world class lecturers and workshops from all over the world. At Hyper Island I developed skills in design, marketing, business strategies, client relations, product presentation and group development. During my education I worked with companies like: SVT, SOS Barnbyar, NewsReps, Adidas, BRIS, Ustwo, Clarion Hotels and Polar Music Prize. 

Mikz Sverige (United Influencers)
June 2011 - July 2011 &  June 2012 - August 2013
Mikz is a universal mobile application that gives brands the opportunity to communicate to their fan-bases through a selection of different medias. I worked at Mikz
for a total of seventeen months, exploring the roles of a graphic designer, assistant art director, marketing strategist and event planner. 

December 2011 - May 2012
I founded and started a company along with two friends of mine. Operating as CEO for the company thaught me a lot about the startup bussiness. The main purpose of the company was for us to gain experience, but profesionally we operated withing gardening, moving means, recycling and fascilitation. 

SvFF (Svenska Fotbolls Förbundet) 
June 2010 - July 2010
SvFF is the official swedish national soccer organisation. They hired me as a coach and team developer, fascilitating full days of practise for children between the ages of 8 to 12. This experience thaught me a lot about leadership and fascilitiation. 

Universitetshomens Gymnasium 
August 2009 - June 2011
I got my High School degree at a technical school in Malmö, where I studied Design & Architecture. During this experience I realized that I should take a digital path in my career, which led me to applying for the Digital Creative programme at Hyper Island in 2013.
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