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UI/UX - Yahoo Finance App Redesign

Yahoo Finance App
Redesign Analysis Overview
The Yahoo Finance App is a basic informational tool for investors to check on their ticker symbols. Unfortunately, the app does not provide handy features for different types of users. It lacks many of the functionalities the website offers and necessary tools that investors would like to have at-hand when on-the-go. On the upside, the application is very intuitive and simplistic for those who would like minimal functions. However, for the more sophisticated investor, the app can be frustrating to navigate and offers too few options. To address user needs, we must take a look at common personas.
Product Behavior and Patterns - 3 Option Toggle
The existing app displays information about ticker symbols the user is interested in. Navigational method with a three option toggle at the bottom of the screen allows users to choose between vital stats, a chart, and news regarding a particular stock or mutual fund. However, one cannot compare ticker symbols or order news in any sort of manner. Furthermore, vital U.S. stock market overview is listed within this screen, which creates a lack of hierarchy in information presentation.

Product Behavior and Patterns - 3 Option Touch Point
 As a smartphone or handheld posture, the app makes great use of real estate by allowing users to click on the boxes to see changes in price by dollar amount, total asset amount, and percentage. The center number is not interactive as it only shows the price of a particular ticker symbol at any given point in time. 
Product Behavior and Patterns - Add/Delete Feature
The add and delete functions allow for an accordion list of ticker symbols creating a flexible sovereign app. On the other hand, it doesn’t allow for much adjustment to the presentation and becomes an issue if the list is inordinately long. The transient user might find it applicable for tracking a small amount of ticker symbols on occasion. However, the omission of an organizational method hardly meets the transient or sovereign app goals. The lack of compartmentalization of ticker symbols into portfolios also presents problems to the sovereign user.
Positive Features
The app innately provides a number of great features for the end user. A summary of its positive aspects are below.
Room for Improvement
The app lacks a number of features that would satisfy the sovereign user or sophisticated investor. A summary of negative aspects or suggestions for improvement are below.
Layout Sketches
The following are initial layout sketches of current design features and possible improvements for the revised app design.
Brainstorming and Markups
The following are more refined brainstorming ideas for improvements to the revised app design.
Final Wireframes
These wireframes illustrate the flow between market overview pages for the casual transient user to the detailed pages for the sovereign user. Furthermore, all new features and functionalities are added and highlighted in the new design.
UI/UX - Yahoo Finance App Redesign

UI/UX - Yahoo Finance App Redesign

Yahoo Finance App Redesigned with UI/UX Analysis


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