Kōdō is the art of appreciating Chinese and Japanese incense.
The packaging doubles as the incense holder.
Aesthetic Nag Champa
Many people burn incense to appreciate its smell, without assigning any other specific significance to it, in the same way that the foregoing items can be produced or consumed solely for the contemplation or enjoyment of the refined sensory experience.
Practical Patchouli
Incense fragrances can be of such great strength that they obscure other, less desirable odours.
Religious Sandalwood
Use of incense in religion is prevalent in many cultures and may have their roots in the practical and aesthetic uses considering that many religions with not much else in common all use incense.
Kodo Incense


Kodo Incense

The challenge was to take a product that normally costs .99 cents and package it more expensively. Three sets of incense sticks with different c Read More
