Betty Walke's profile

Product, Packaging and 3-D Design

Product & Dimensional Design
3-D Design 2-Go
From decorative patterning on thermoformed party plate rims; to disposable cups and foodservice container branding; to direct mail promotions with some weight, WalkeWorks' packaging design expertise spans both two and three dimensions.  Partnering directly with manufacturers and engineers has given Betty Walke a keen understanding of packaging's production limitations and creative opportunities.
Client: Hyatt Hotels/Cuisine Solutions
Project: Convenience food package branding
Name development, brand iconography, package label design, food photography on-set art direction and prop styling

Client:  WalkeWorks LLC
Project: Develop a series of anniversary "gifts" for company self-promotion and client recognition.  An annual promotion, these dimensional direct mailers are based on traditional wedding anniversary gifts.
Client: Baer & Associates/7-Eleven
Project: Design stock graphics for a hot beverage cup maximizing the capabilities a new lithographic printing process
Original photography propping and art direction; digital photo illustration; production services
Client: Sweetheart/Solo Cup
Project: Trade show promotion and direct mail packaging announced the merger of the two disposable companies.
Client: Sweetheart/Solo CupProject:  Develop a series of economical, color-coded, stock design options for convenience store/take-one packaging.  Print production was limited to three spot colors per size/design.
Client: Sweetheart/Solo Cup
Project: Graphically enhance a line of thermoformed plastic plates, platters and coordinating lids per engineering specifications and material manufacturing limitations.
Product, Packaging and 3-D Design

Product, Packaging and 3-D Design

Conceptual, design and production of packaging
