Sexy Boyz Productions - Discover

Part 1:
About Project:
Project Name: Ante Mortem
Project Genre: Horror/Thriller
Target market/audience: Teens
Plot Points:
Backstory of the book
MC finds mysterious book
MC talks about the book with his friend
MC gets hit by car, driver drives away, friend leaves MC to find help
MC wakes up in a dream alone in the dark, (first introduction of the dark figure)
MC wakes up in his friends’ bed (Night time)
Sees a black figure by the door
Friend walks in after the dark figure disappears
MC talks to friend
MC has a hard time getting to the bathroom
MC washes his face 
MC reaches for door knob, imagines hand grabbing his arm, and gets scared
MC washes face, looks in mirror, nothing happens
MC goes back to the bed, finds the book
MC looks in the book, he sees secret messages in the book
MC starts to see the dark figure again
Gets dropped off home, MC asks his friend about the book
MC arrives home, stands in front of house, looks at his room window and thinks he sees a figure
MC goes to bed, has a hard time sleeping, hears something moving in the kitchen/living room (Shot of the kitchen/living room, then goes to main character)
Friend begins to doubt MC and starting to think he’s messed up
TOBY helps SPH back to bed and he doesn’t sleep he is traumatized 
Part 2:
Project Pitch:
            Our movie will be about a normal guy that lives his normal life up until a point where he gets hit by a car while talking to his friend about the book he found. Throughout the movie, the main character will slowly start to go insane and tries to fix his “problem” that he thinks was caused by the book. He starts to see dark figures that he thinks that originated from the book. He then seeks help from his friend, but it turns out that his friend wasn’t really as good of a friend as he thought. His friend is a two faced friend who talks behind his back, but our main character will never find out for dramatic irony effect.
Statement of Purpose:
              The purpose of our group project is to create a movie/animation is to psychologically mess with the audience and give off a feeling of horror/despair/being stalked. The main way we are going to make people feel scared/creeped out is with the sound, this’ll allow us to set the atmosphere and to further allow us to scare the audience. Once we’ve got the audience scared, we can play around with them, making scenes seem as if something is going to happen, but it might not happen. Our target audience are teens because it is much easier to mess with them, or anyone who enjoys thriller/horror films. Our film will be unique because we will try to take around 5-6 different shots of 1 scene.
Part 3
Part 4:
Part 5
Sexy Boyz Productions - Discover

Project Made For

Sexy Boyz Productions - Discover

For this project, we are supposed to be planning everything from scratch. So basically, making a production name, to planning out who's doing wha Read More
