The finished painting- 36" x 72", oil on canvas.
Cleaning up the individual sections.  The faded grid helps to provide scale, structure, and proportion.
The initial phase of each section begins with the charcoal work.
Early to mid-stage, the painting exhibits the contrast between the raw and more developed areas.
Spraying gold around the mid-way point of the paintings development.
Another shot of the work at approximately 50%.
You can find the chair in this shot;  A symbol of personal significance to the family who commissioned the work.
Chantrells, dark chocolate, and California rolls are among the custom contents on the menu seen here.
Notes from the early phases of the work remain as a charming reminder of the process.
Artichokes, squid, pho noodles, and morels are included in this section of the work.
The ubiquitous sardine can be found woven in throughout the composition.
The taco peeking out of the corner is one of several sections that reflect the playful influence of the younger members of the group.
A quail egg, Chalulah hot sauce, and even the family pet make their way into this part of the composition.
The Bento Box 2
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The Bento Box 2

36" x 72", oil on canvas. Inspired by the previous two works I created, I was asked to paint a new piece that would be filled with items that wer Lire la suite

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