Perfil de Matt Welnack

AAU_MFA_Type Experiments

Type Experiments
Academy of Art University/Fall 2011
The assignment was to choose a historical or recurring event each month to create a 12-month calendar. Each month would be illustrated by a typographical hero image. These three selections are 1) Neil Armstrong walks on the moon; 2) Exxon Valdez runs aground; and 3) National Barbecue Month.

For the Giant Leap illustration, I created a foam core sole and made impressions in sand. For the Crude illustration, I used 3-D letters made from foam core and poured molasses over the letters. I used a wood-burning tool on the steak to burn in my type. 
AAU_MFA_Type Experiments

AAU_MFA_Type Experiments

Type Experiments class at AAU in Fall 2011.
